Facial specks???

How can i get rid of white heads that are deep in my cheeks and my nose and now starting to go around my lips like lip liner and right under my nose and somtimes in it...its really sensitive in those areas to try and remove!!! help me!!!!!except some are white and some are brownish looking. Its like my face is always shedding some white heads or something liek that. I know all this sounds gross then wat it really is. ! If i get a facial how exactly will they remove the problem areas?? On my own I've used wash cloths etc and its helped but i see some that are trying to come out or tehre just right underneateh teh skin its painful ifu try to mess with it and its like stuck or something. It looks liek i have a dry nose but its really white heads. How can i get rid of tehses hard dumb white crazy things??!?!?!?!?!!? And yes i wash my face and use oil free things and eat right and don't have my hair all over my face or my hands! Thank you. No rude comments plz


do extractions hurt??!?!?!?!?


  • go to a medspa or a salon and ask for a facial with extractions. they will use an extractor tool to get them all out.

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