:( i am depressed as ****?

I found out that I failed maths in college and I am depressed because I was supposed to major in something just as soon as I finish exams and I did and I got great grades in everything else except maths I failed in it and I just started crying because I know my dad is going to be pissed and probably stop me from travelling in the summer which is something i really need because I cannot stand this place :( I haven't self-harmed in years but when I found out I started again (i scratch myself until all of my skin turns red and sore) I need to lie to my dad he can't find out I will be trapped here in this ******* shithole for a long time

**** **** **** **** ****

please help me gsidfogndfsjgnrsjkgfns


  • I think you are getting a little carried away. I understand there is a lot of pressure on you.

    I get that, I understand you need to get away for awhile.

    I understand that when you get overwhelmed you resort to old coping strategies.

    I think your best course is to just be honest with your father, manage the outcome the best you can.

    Have you found out why you failed? where you far off the pass mark?

    The problem with pass fail grading is you don't know how far away from the goal you are. you may be much closer then you realize. Have you spoken to your school counselor for guidance on this?

    Often times we get so overwhelmed, we forget to be resourceful. we forget to step back take another look and figure out how to manage the situation.

    So my friend, stop scratching go get more information, find out what you need to do to get back on track with your studies. your father will get over his mad. Clearly he loves you or he would not be paying out money for your college.

    You will have another spring break next year, it's not the end of the world.

    maybe you can do some extra math work nest semester and make it up that way, and still get a much needed break this year.

  • I'm a civil engineer and i failed every maths level the first time. I just went back and did each paper again until I passed. That was in the 70s, and it was a big deal at the time but looking back now it didn't change my life, just took me a bit longer to graduate. My advice, be cool with it, tell your dad you gave it your best and will just take the class again, then go have a bit of fun. You're only young once!

  • Rage against The gadget - settle for now no longer something , techniques Of Destruction - Spandex Enormity , purple heat Chili Peppers - i visit have Lied AND below The Bridge , teenager Rock all tracks off his devil without reason album particularly I even have been given one for ya.

  • Cry , get deppressed, have hallucinations, say u see ghosts, someone wants to kill u , u dont like the place, piss them off, become deppressed.. and they may just prolly send u away for ever wherever u find ur peace of mind.

  • Quit scratching yourself and do better next time.

  • are your parents really that hard on you?

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