Does God create Cancer?

Did God create cancer or did we do that?


  • Neither. Although we can contribute to it.

    Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Typically, genetics and environment both play a role in it's development.

  • God creates everything. We may facilitate it's fast spread and lack of treatment, but we did not create cancer. Now, before the atheists use this as an argument against God, allow me to elaborate.

    First off, I am Buddhist. Therefor I don't believe in a "God" so much as a divine creating force, whatever it may be. But no matter what religion you are, they all argue one thing: God forgives. As long as we truly repent of our sins, we receive welcome into some kind of after life. Now, if God loves us, why then does he make us suffer (i.e. Cancer). Because it is a test. We all will be forgiven. What we fail in this life, we will learn from in the next, or in Heaven or Purgatory. All these diseases and methods of death are simply God's way of calling all of his children home.

  • No, mutations causes cancer.

    During mitosis, a cell (which is not a gamete) splits itself into two identical parts. Occasionally there is a slight variation in the gene which causes a mutated cell. The mutated cell then splits as though it were a normal cell.

    This is part of natural selection (how evolution works) - when it is a bad mutation cancers are formed and these make the animal weaker. When it's a good mutation it is kept and passed on

  • No.

    SATAN corrupted the world, and it is the PHYSICAL CORRUPTION that cause cancer -- from smoke (a NATURAL byproduct of burning wood or dung) to volcanic Ash.

    Of course, since our "technology" has advanced, we do a pretty good job of making toxins all by oneself.

    God does NOT protect the world from this corruption. What He DOES do is provide us with a way out. God teaches that those that believe in jesus will be present in heaven where there is NOTHING polluted (and no Satan to pollute it). God also promises that the dead WILL rise, and those "dead in Christ" (by EITHER an Old Testament or NEw Testament definition) will be given NEW, PERFECT, INCORRUPTIBLE, and IMPERISHABLE bodies.

  • I have to say right here that I don't believe in God. I think that cancers are just one of many different types of sufferings that people endure in this world. There are countless others everywhere we look. There's unhappiness on every street, in almost every household (even if it's often hidden). However, those who believe that God exists usually say that these types of sufferings are essentially a test. God's test of us, His children. It is through these tests and our faith that we are redeemed of our sins and so on. My personal belief is that there's suffering because that's the way life has to work. We struggle because we suffer, we continue because we struggle. Through this we live, we breathe, we reproduce and we die. Without suffering there's no way to value happiness. Without happiness there's no way to find meaning.

  • Let's see. Humans pollute the environment with toxins, drink and smoke and eat to excess, ... so who creates cancer? I now have a fourth relative with cancer.

    All of those relatives smoked or lived with some one who smoked.

    Duh I'd say humans!

  • Combination of the two. Each new sin begets a new disease. So every time we figure out a new sin, we bet a new disease. Take aids for example. Nothing until this sexual sin came and then presto aids. And new sin, a new disease.

    Through Jesus we can be sin free, hence disease free. Otherwise many live in sin and the disease their sin brings them.

    bless you.

  • Human creates it

  • After reading these answers, I'm going to take up smoking again. All this time I thought that caused cancer. Who knew, it was sin that did it. I'm good there. But my doctor will be hearing from me!

  • Disease is a result of the original fall of man. God heals diseases and destroyed death on the Cross.

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