Is Kim Davis like a modern day Rosa Parks?

Remember how Rosa Parks became a government official making over $80,000 a year and abused her power as a government official to make sure that interracial couples couldn't marry because it was against her religion?


Remember when Rosa Parks was a bus driver, and her religion said not to allow gay bus riders, so Rosa Parks refused to allow gays on her bus?


  • Rosa Parks for equal rights

    Kim Davis NOT

    Rosa Parks risk physical harm

    Kim Davis NOT

    Rosa Parks good person

    Kim Davis NOT

  • The situation is quite different. Rosa Parks rejected injustice.

    Kim Davis is refusing to do her job.

    If you can show us why refusing to grant equal Rights to people who are responsible citizens is a a just act then I might think Kim Davis is somewhat equivalent to Rosa Parks.

    Kim Davis should not be in Jail for supporting her faith but she should seek a job that does not require her to violate that faith.

  • No, Kim Davis is nothing like Rosa Parks. Parks fought for equal rights for blacks and whites. Davis fought for a Christian theocracy.

  • I remember when Rosa Parks made it illegal for whites to ride the bus. Kim Davis is just a pre-op lesbian man.

  • She fought for what she believes in, I guess. But that's a pretty superficial comparison.

    Parks fought for the right of two groups to be treated equally.

    Davis fought for the right to treat two groups unequally.

    They're not particularly similar.

  • wasn't immediately clear how Davis would react to the order, but she has said she will not authorize her office to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples if her name remains on the certificate. Bunning's order makes no mention of revising the licenses to accommodate Davis, who says issuing a license with her name on it would violate her Christian convictions against same-sex marriage.

  • More like a modern day George Wallace.

  • Yep! And now she's trying to force her religion on the other clerks in her office by asking that they be fired for issuing marriage licenses!

  • No way. Davis is a publicity ho

  • who is rosa parks?

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