Do Tea Party groups deserve tax exempt status?

Social advocacy groups can be tax exempt. Political organizations cannot. Are Tea Party groups more social advocacy groups than political organizations? Do Tea Party groups encourage people to vote for/against issues or for/against political candidates more?


Edit for Bekind: Since we honor the tax exempt status of Tea Party groups, will you stop whining about how those others are tax exempt as well? Or do you insist on having your cake and eating it too?


  • Not as far as I am concerned.

  • Unions are tax exempt. Political???? Media Matters is tax exempt. Political??? Move on dot Org is tax exempt. Political??? I could go on but I assume you get it.

    The Tea Party sponsors teaching people about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Now tell me that is not a social goal to make sure people understand the laws that are supposed to protect them rather than single them out for discrimination/persecution as we have seen time and again by this administration and those who seem emboldened to do so by remarks frequently made by this administration. The left even targeted an entire news network because it doesn't push the agenda of this administration. Are you seeing a pattern here? Is it one that should be promoted or even tolerated in the US or any free nation?

  • Then let's fix the problem at the source and do away with the current tax laws and get some passed that can't be abused the way they are now.

  • To even the abuse they got yes.

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