Do illegal immigrants pay taxes?


Economic help as well.


  • They'd pay more if we gave them citizenship. It's not like we can afford the trillion or so it'd cost to move 11 million people out of the USA anyways...not to mention the billions the US would have to pay in lawsuits of various types.

  • Yes, when they use forged and stolen documents.

    However they don't get to file for a refund, nor do they get any SS benefits.


    Because the REAL SS recipient will eventually file for SS benefits themselves one day.

    And guess what? The city, county, state (law biding TAXPAYERS) whatever, will eat the costs associated with the illegal using a forged or stolen document.

  • They get free health care and free education. My mom is a teacher in an elementary school. 5 years ago, they spoke english there. Now, you MUST speak spanish with the people who send their kids there. And the kids get free lunch, free breakfast, and farm picked fruits and vegetables delivered to them two times a week from some company. It is all free. And most of the kids are of illegal descent.

    What the F$$K do you mean thumbs down huh? This is what is going on now. It's ridiculous!

  • You need a social security number to pay taxes (illegal aliens do not have SS#s)

    You do not need one to send a child to school

    Or to get health care in a hospital that takes federal funding of any kind

    Most work under the table, do not have driver's licenses but drive, some under the names of friends or someone who they paid to register a car. if you have a car accident with one in a state that is not no fault to bad, they do not have insurance to drive.

    The only taxes they pay are sales taxes on items they buy, just like anyone who was a tourist or citizen, but NO income taxes unless they have a green card and are allowed to work here. (that would give them a number to pay taxes under)

    In many instances they would still opt not to pay taxes, many are quite accustomed to having under the table work.

  • If they are working with false SSNs, then yes, they and their employers pay income and payroll taxes. If they are working under the table, then they do not.

    They pay certain other taxes, like sales tax on things they buy, and property tax if they own property (which most of them don't).

  • Some do and some don't. There are 1000's upon 1000's of citizens who work under the table or just don't pay taxes. It is called the tax gap. Look it up.

  • some might by using others SS#s ..but there are also many that use bogus SS#s..or none at all. Even if they all used others valid SS#s, they take WAY MORE than they *give*

    saying illegals pay taxes via products at stores is like saying welfare recipients pay taxes--absolute hogwash

  • Consumption taxes.

    And IF they have a stolen social security number, they'll pay income taxes.

    Otherwise, if they work for cash, they avoid paying anything other than consumption taxes (i.e. sales taxes).

    Yet they receive or use services provided by the government to the tune of billions of dollars each year per state.

  • They're not allowed to work in the U.S. So they work under the table and don't pay taxes.

  • Some do on Illegally obtain SSN. But the Answer is No.

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