Is NASA GISS really transparent?

Former NASA boss Theon does not think so.

"Furthermore, some scientists have manipulated the observed rel="nofollow">

One way of determining if Theon is lying is by passing this test. We know that NASA keeps making changes to the temperature record.

Is there a site where one can go to find out the justification for these changes? Theon says they do not. Is he lying?


Dana: Maybe I am overlooking things, but where does NASA discuss the changes observed here


  • Theon retired from NASA GISS 15 years ago, so I'm not really sure why his comments are relevant when discussing the transparency of an organization he's been away from for over a decade.

    UAH constantly makes "changes" (a.k.a. adjustments) too.

    If Theon says there's no place to find the justification for NASA GISS changes, yes, he's lying. It's not even hard to find - it's the first link on the top of the main GISS page!

    "Latest News

    Updates to the analysis process are described on a separate page."

    The answer to your question is therefore obviously yes. NASA GISS is incredibly transparent. I don't think they could be any more transparent, in fact. Not only do they provide all their data and methods and updates, they're all extremely easy to find on their front page.

    *edit* While it's true that Theon was paid $1000 to speak at the Heartland Institute's Climate Conference, I don't think it's fair to say he's on their payroll.

  • For the record, Theon was never a NASA boss. You have been mislead. Theon was a mid-level bureaucrat with some auditing responsibilities. He apparently has never published research.

    This is not to diss the guy's career at all, but he has mischaractorized his role at NASA and the partisan blogs have lied to you about who he is solely to inflate his credibility. Never take those blogs at face value. Think for yourself and do a little research.

    We do know that he filled in at a speaking engagement for a busy colleague in 1991 and was introduced as an Office Manager at the Radiation, Dynamics and Hydrology program. At the time his opening remark was "Undoubtedly, humankind is affecting the environment."

  • John Theon is on the payroll of the Heartland Insitute, a group that denies global warming along with the health risks of tobacco and are paid good money to do so including by ExxonMobil and fossil fuel industry front groups.

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