How to shrink a dress fast?!?

I have a dress that I LOVE. It doesn't have care tags, but I'm guessing it's mostly cotton with some elastane.

I had to fix a strap on it, so I brought it to work, but I want to wear it after work today. However, it's a little loose. Normally, I'd try washing it then drying it with hot heat, but obviously I can't do that here. Is there anything i can do to the dress to shrink it a bit? I don't mind about most of it, I just want it a little more snug around my middle.

Here's a pic of the dress if you want to see it...

I do have a hairdryer at work, so I thought about maybe getting it a liiiitle bit wet and then drying it on high heat with the hair dryer (my boss really doesn't care what I do during the day, haha...). Would that work?

Any suggestions would be fantastic. Thanks so much!!!


  • Nice dress

    if u want it tighter in the middle: try washing only the middle and dry the middle

    or you can attach a black velvet fabric and tie it in the back or front to make a bow

  • Yes it should work but don't leave in there to long it just might become to small!

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