Is 600 calories a day okay?
I know its bad for you, but like I can't die or anything right? I just started eating about 600 calories a day maybe 700 a few days ago. I mainly eat fruits a veggies, and I know they say you will gain weight once you start eating normally again, but I'm not going to eat normally again. So is it OK?
Nope. Not being harsh, but I give you about 15 years absolute max until you are dead if you eat that way. You need those calories to talk and to make your body work properly - to keep your brain, and heart and circulation going. 1500 is a much more reasonable target. Even those skinny anorexic models eat more than 600 calories a day. Something like 1200 alone is required for everyday bodily functions, and fair enough, for a while, if you don't eat enough, your body will feed of the fat inside you, but once that is gone, it will kill you pretty quickly. Aside form the ridiculously small calorie intake, you diet is awful if its just fruit and veg, Too much of a good thing is bad, and all the excess acids in the fruits and veg will give you awful, awful heartburn and indigestion. You need proteins, calcium, iron, vitamins, carbs, fats, salts e.c.t Fruit and veg has no natural salt in it, and that will make you feel awful day in day out. It why runners drink isotonic drinks. If they didn't they would pass out (and I believe it happened to Jade Goody once).
I recommend exercise, drinking plenty of water, smaller portion sizes and meal planning. The way you are going about it is just the lazy way out - if you want to live happily, you need to make an effort to do so, so plan balanced meals - aim for 1500 calories a day. Do exercise around the house - chores and fidgeting are actually good for you. Do star jumps whilst you are cooking food e.c.t
No. Essentially, what you are doing is starving your ENTIRE body. When you don't eat properly, your brain can't think clearly and you won't do as well in school or work, and you are more likely to make poor decisions. If you want to lose weight, keep eating the diet that you are eating, just add about 2 servings of lean meat (chicken, turkey, beans) and one serving of carbs (try oatmeal with banana in it for breakfast). Make sure you exercise at least 30 minutes a day six days a week. If you really want to lose weight, try running. I am an athlete and I can eat as much as I want and never gain any weight because I get so much exercise. You don't have to run 8 miles a day neither to lose weight. Go to a local track of treadmill and sprint for 1 minute, then jog for 1 minute. If this is to much for you, walk after you sprint. If you only eat 600 or 700 calories a day you will lose weight. This weight, however, will not be fat. First, you are going to lose all your muscle. When your body is in need of energy (food), muscle is more efficient for it to run on than fat. Cardio (running, walking, etc) is what burns fat. You should eat about 1200-1500 calories a day, especially if you are still young and developing. You could stunt your growth or other things could occur within your body. Be sure to nourish yourself, you wouldn't run a car on empty, so why should you run without food.
Good Luck!
O...and if you are never going to eat normally again, you will turn into a skinny rail which is not pretty. You will look sickly, and possibly even eventually die. And chances are if you start at 700 calories, you will probably try to eat less and less everyday until your down to nothing.
If you eat to little (under 1000 is def too little) you will get consequences in the future. I'd say eat about 1200 calories a day and run 40-60 min 5 or 6 days a week. That will make you loose weight fast. And your metabolism will become better so you can after a while, eat how much chocolate and crap you want without gaining weight! )
its ok for a little while if u also take vitamins and shizzle and drink alot of water but then u need to start thinking ove building your calories back up bit by bit (basically giving yourself say an extra hundered a week maybe) til you get up to a regular 1200-2000 calorie a day limit so you dont do some serious damage and make your self really ill.
i dont know if you can die but you could end up in hospital. you dont have to go ott and eat loadsa crap and stuff (im guessing your aiming to loose weight) just get back to normal eating and regular calories
good luck with what ever your trying to acheive and please dont be too stupid in whatever you do (e.g. stop eating not good. not worth the pain and being ill all the wont have a life, you wont have the energy) xxx
Yes it's bad. Your sugar levels will go down, which will cause you to become really weak. You won't get all your vitamins which will ruin your body in so many ways. It will make you look tired, pale and sick. You will just fall apart and it can lead to so many diseases. Really? Is it worth risking your health? Just eat about 1800 calories a day, exercise for maybe 3-4 hours a day, or however much you can and just eat healthy.
You have what is best known as the eating disorder Anorexia, recognised by the refusal of an individual gaining weight. This disorder, in time, will kill you from starvation, after your body picks bits of muscle off your own bone to supply needed energy to vital organs. Enjoy your <5 year lifespan.
If you eat less than 1000 calories a day, you will gain weight. Its great that you are counting calories and things, but you should do more research, and re-think about your caloric intake.
you could up it a little, maybe 1000 a day and still lose weight, 600 seems low
my health teacher told me the healthiest way to loose weight is to loose 500 more calories then you ate
no because its like 1/4 of what your body actually needs to function.....
average is 1500-2000