Braces! Can't bite down?

A few hours ago I got braces on the top teeth. I have a 'deep bite' and so the orthodontist made the piece on the roof of my mouth come a little father out so when I bite my bottom teeth hit that and it sorts my deep bite. Problem is that now none of my other teeth can make contact. Is this normal?


  • For the most correct answer you have to speak to the person who fitted the brace. The effect you have could be what was required or a mistake. Only he/she will be able to say for sure.

  • I Think Your Orthodontist Probably Did This To Improve Your 'Deep Bite' And Make Your Jaw Bite In A Better Position. Your Braces Do Feel Really Uncomfortable When You First Have Them Fitted. But After A While You Won't Even Know It's There

  • Yes, this is perfectly normal. Throughout the time that you have braces your bite will keep changing, that is also the point of braces besides straightening you teeth, it fixes your bite. But don't worry it will eventually go away.

  • I dnt really know what a deep bite, but yes it probably is normal. But after your bite starts getting fixed it wont be a problem anymore.

  • Yes its normal. try sticking with mushy foods until you get used to it.

  • Yes. That is it's purpose. You will eventually adapt to it.

  • no. you must go to the hospital immediatly. my brother had the same problem and now he's dead. he got hit by a bus

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