Cat is very temperamental?

I got my kitten when she was 4 weeks old she's going on 5 months now and she is the most bi polar cat I've ever had one min she goes from being friendly like licking my nose she's always licking my nose shell let me pet her for a few seconds then she wants to attack I can't hold her and if she's laying in my bed which is rare and I move shell attack she's the only pet and I have to small children 5 and 1 they don't really mess with her because she attacks them as well can anybody tell me why she is like this I've never had a bad experience with cats I love them and usually I can turn the meanest stray into a loving house cat I love her very much but she's becoming to much and I don't want to get rid of her


  • Cats had a PR campaign some years ago and fooled lots of humans into trying to care for cats and give them a cushy life. Sadly the PR worked, but cats are by nature NOT PETS, they dont care about you, they are self centered.

    Get a small dog and forget cats.

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