marriage problems.?

what do you do if there is alot of argueing and fighting and absolutely no intimacy the whole two years with your husband? And what do I do if I just can't stand to be around him and I get to the point of hating him more and more everyday and regreting that I even married the man?


  • I left mine, you cant stay in a loveless marriage you'll only regret it in the end, and resent him more for it, ever need to chat drop me an email

  • If you really care about this person, and obviously you do enough to stick around for two years, try talking, not using accusatory tones or words. Use the "I feel" sentences. If neither of you can keep the accusations from flying, walk away count to ten and try again.

    If this doesn't work then I would say try counseling. Sometimes it helps to have a different perspective on the situation.

    Ultimately if all this doesn't work I would say its time for a divorce, but there had to be an underlying reason as to why you married him in the first place. Try to find that reason and dwell on it for a while. Remember the good times and talk to him about it, like "Remember that time we did this together, I would love it if we could do that again." or something like that.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  • Get into couple's counseling and see if you can work out the differences. When you can't "fight fair" nobody feels good about the relationship. Even if it doesn't work out at least you tried your best to fight for your marriage and to learn from mistakes.

    Whatever you decide, good luck!

  • i'm afraid that if you can't stand to be around him now then you're hardly going to have much of a future with him. i think you need to talk to him about how you feel and perhaps both try marriage counselling. i think you need to give it a proper go before you decide to throw in the towel as these days people choose to walk away rather than fight for it. you need to tell him how you feel and try to work things out but if you have fallen out of love with him and you honestly can't see yourself staying with him then you're going to have to leave to give you both a chance at happiness x

  • I suggest marriage counseling to find the root to your marriage issues. Sometimes it's the same unresolved problem.

  • you both grow up and have a long conversation about why and what is going on and make the best decision based on current information not speculation

  • If u cant talk it out by now then I would definitely say its time for a change. Why keep putting yourself through all this drama.

  • No kids?? It's easy... dump him and make better choices before getting married again.. Life is too short to be miserable!

  • You get a divorce if you are at the point of disgust. Why stay in misery.

  • Sounds like it's time to go.

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