Can a primary doctor temporarily prescribe percocet?

I'm seeing him today cuz my back pain is unmanageable. Ibruprofen, Advil, nothing works. I was told I have minor scoliosis about 5 years ago but figured since it was minor, i did not need to monitor it guess I was wrong. I'm seeing him today so he can send me for new X-rays and maybe pain management but do u think he would give me a week or so worth? Because its becoming hard for me to function.


  • If you go in and ask straight up for percocet, he may be a little irked at that and not prescribe them. Id say just go in with your back pain, tell him nothing has helped and let him to the rest from there. Maybe you will get lucky and he will give you a small script for some painkillers. Or he may refer you to a specialist.

    I don't know your pcp though, so if he is a personable guy that you feel comfortable around him, maybe you could ask him for some.

  • I don't think I would go in and just outright ask for something in particular. If he recommends something, you might say it works better for you. You will probably be sent to a specialist for scoliosis. If your pc writes a script for anything at all, it would probably be Vicodin.

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