Graphic Design as a career?

Graphic Design is something that i am really passionate about. i may not have a portfolio yet or constantly draw things, but i do know that it intrigues me and i find it beautiful. I took classes in high school so i have a little bit of foundation, but i would like to further it even more to a BFA or a Masters and learn as much as i can. Im 16 years old, doing my second year of basics and im thinking about getting an AA degree with an Advertising specialty, then transfering to get the BFA.

The only things stopping me are that:

1. scholarships for this area are hard to find.

2. little job stability (especially in the Houston area)

3. alot of competition/ travel

4. salary might not be enough to raise a family, etc.

Alot of people tell me just to toss GD out the window because there is no money there, and others tell me to follow my heart, or to make it a minor.

I've looked into other career fields such as nursing, physical therapy, teaching, but none catch my attention the way this does.

I know i can do anything i set my mind to, & im willing to work hard at it b/c i have alot of strive but, i just cant help but feeling scared about this. Like how do i build my portfolio? What if im not good enough? What if i dont land a good job?...etc.

I know i should do what i want, but at the same time, i'm trying to be realistic about it. there is so much talent out there, how do i know if i should go for it?

Please, if anybody has some advice it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.


  • Kelren pretty much hit the nail on the head EXCEPT lots of community colleges don't have a gd degree plan. Most don't. However, it's one of those jobs where you don't need a degree. If your local community college doesn't offer a degree plan in GD go sit in classes at the local university and practice at home until you have a healthy portfolio and then hit the bricks. Just try at it for a solid ten years. If nothing happens in those ten years, then stop and have a hard think with yourself about your future. At that age, you'll still be young enough to go to college without looking like a prune.

  • Go to a community college. I have a 2 year degree in GD and have a good job in my field. I have some friends who went to universities or private colleges, took out huge student loans to pay for their tuition and still don't have a job in the field.

    Now maybe I just got lucky, but even so, I would rather pay what I did on my education than pay ten times that and still not be guaranteed to get a job.

    The best part of that option also, is that if you decide to go on to get your BA you can always go back to school if you want.

    Hope that helps!

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