Alguem passa para ingles por favor! :)?

Vou viajar na sexta-feira outra vez só que dessa vez a trabalho,

e queria muito ter falado com você antes de ir, amanhã estou indo embarcar em São Paulo, sempre que viajo de avião penso que ele vai cair,então pensei em falar com vc antes que ele caia

ou melhor antes de viajar! heheh Como

foi no tribunal e o aniversário da Virginia? Eu

quero saber as novidades

da sua vida!


  • I'm traveling on friday again but this time is because of my job

    i really wanted to talk to you before i go, tomorrow i will embark in sao paulo, everytime i travel i think the plane will fall, so i decided to talk to you before it falls

    or before i travel ! hehe how was the tribunal and Virginia's Birthday?

    i want to know about the new stuff in your life

  • I will travel on Friday again but this time to work,

    And I too have talked with you before going, today I am going embark in Sao Paulo, where travel by plane think it will fall, then thought to speak to kj before it falls

    Or better before travelling! As heheh

    Was in court and the anniversary of Virginia? I

    I know the news

    Of your life!


  • vo tentar escrever mais ou menos informal

    '' I'm gonna travel on Friday again, but this time it's because of my job, i wish i had met u before my departure, tomorrow i'm gonna leave São Paulo, whenever i travel by plane i think it's gonna crash, so i had better to talk to u before it crashes, or rather, before my travel! hehe How was in the court and how was Virginia's birthday party? I wanna know what's new in your life!''

  • I go to travel in the friday another time alone that of this time the work, and very wanted to have spoken with you before going, tomorrow is going to embark in São Paulo, always that I travel of airplane I think that it goes to fall, then I thought about speaking with vc before it falls or better before travelling! heheh As was in the court and the anniversary of the Virginia? I want to know the new features of its life!

  • I go to travel in the friday another time alone that of this time the work, and very wanted to have spoken with you before going, tomorrow is going to embark in São Paulo, whenever I travel of airplane I think that it goes to fall, then I thought about speaking with better you before it falls or before travelling! Hehe How it was in the court and the anniversary of Virginia?

    I want to know the new features of its life!

  • will travel on Friday again only that that time to I work,

    and he/she wanted to have spoken to you before going a lot, tomorrow I will embark in São Paulo, whenever I travel by leaning airplane that he is going cair,então thought in speaking with vc before he falls

    or better before traveling! heheh As

    was it in the tribunal and the birthday of Virginia? Me

    I want to know the innovations

    of his/her life!

  • I go to travel in the friday another time alone that of this time the work, and very wanted to have spoken with you before going, tomorrow is going to embark in São Paulo, always that I travel of airplane I think that it goes to fall, then I thought about speaking with vc before it falls or better before travelling! heheh As was in the court and the anniversary of the Virginia? I want to know the new features of its life!

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