why does usa &uk treat every muslim as a potential terrorist?

uk never treated every irish person as a potential terrorist in their war against terrorism,is it because the muslims are peace loving and an easy target with only the Koran to protect themselves,terrorists are only a pocketful of people that have infiltrated islam the way the IRA infiltrated catholics,but true muslims abhor terrorists,but because they dress modestly they are easily recognised by people who believe the propaganda subtly put out by countries like america and britain


please read the question some are saying all muslim are terroists,if the usa army kills someone i don't blame you personally because you're american


  • Well, Uk And USA are allies. We ( the USA) had a couple buildings bombed by some bad muslims. Thus we are a little pissed off. But only the ignorant ones treat all muslims this way. I actually read the Koran after 911 and I know that it is not the Muslim religion that caused this, but a group of idiots who happen to be muslim caused this. I'm sorry if their actions have hurt your life. But if a group of Irish leprechauns did it, we'd be pissed at all the physically small people in the world too.

  • Actually, during the 70's & 80's the police & border staff DID treat all Irish people as possible terrorists. They were stopped at airports far more frequently than any other type of person including Afro & Afro Caribbean.

    By the way, IRA didn't infiltrate Roman Catholics, they were Roman Catholics who were members of the IRA similar to the extremists you mention being Muslims.

    I'm sure most of the Irish then abhored violence too, but the profile fitted (sometimes) then & fits (sometimes) now.

    Sadly, there were many supporters of the IRA in the USA during those terrible times when I was growing up. Some supporters include rather influential & high ranking politicians on both sides of the US political system who raised money for IRA funds, so why are the UK & USA allies . . . .

    but that's anothger story

  • Irish people were suspect at the height of the IRA activities, I know because I lived through those years and read the English newspapers. The Americans at that time gave financial support to the IRA out of some foolish romantic notion that they were helping "the old country".

    You are so right about how the average Muslim is treated with suspicion and some of the answers on here prove that. I don't think the propoganda is subtle at all, I think it's blatant. Mention Al Jazeera on here and you get ridiculed or called stupid names. Yet how can anyone get a balanced view of things by following news coverage that is distributed by only a few rich media moguls who have everything to gain by maintaining the status quo and supporting this ludicrous "War on Terror"?

    This crazy position the West supports is doing nothing to reduce the numbers of recruits to the fundamentalist jihad because every time drones or bombs kill another innocent family in Afghanistan

    they create a disillusioned and angry young witness to the hopelessness of his existence. Suicide bombers have nothing to lose anymore and that's why they do what they do.

    The difference between Islamic suicide bombers and Joseph Stack is that they have nothing and he owns his own plane yet still gripes about taxes. People in the West have no conception of poverty and hopelessness because they chose to ignore it.

    Salaam Alaikum.

  • Do you know your history (unless it suits you)? Islam was first spread with the Koran in one hand, and a sword in the other.

    And there are very few Muslims living in both countries, and Muslim groups have said they would like many countries, especially US/UK to be destroyed. Wouldn't you be weary of someone if they threatened to not only kill you, but your family and friends as well (who just happen to dislike violence as well).

  • Becuase you are a potential threat, just like everyone else in the world.

  • Because they like to hide bombs on themselves and explode in public places. Of course not all of them do this, but it is what it is.

  • not everyone has the potential to kill

  • That's some funny shite!

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