Ultrasound Picture!! Is it a boys part r umbilical cord?
The link above is a picture of my ultrasound done at 18 weeks i was told im having a baby boy and im very excited but scared since i heard stories of my friends that were told the gender and later found out it was the opposite i dont want this to happen to me since im very excited i want to start buying my baby things little by little but i dont want the gender to be changed later cuz i heard if its a girl they may confuse it with the boy cuz they get swollen! And everyone keeps telling me my babys thing looks to big so idk if thats a bad thing or if there trying to say maybee its the umbilical cord i dont know! My friend is pregnant also with a boy and her babys things looks much smaller and alittle different in a way soo mommies that have had children know if this is a boy to me does look like a boy. TIA
Update:Srry if the link doesnt let you click it but you can copy and paste it and it will show up
It looks like a boy. If the cord was in the way, it would look a little bit different.
I have a one and a half year old son, and am now pregnant with another boy and I can say that your ultrasound pic looks just like theirs! That doesnt look like an umbilical cord to me...the ultrasound tech wouldnt have confused the umbilical cord with your baby's genitals..... I think you should stop freaking out and listen to what the ultrasound technician told you. It definitely looks like a boy.
From experience i can say that is definatly a boy
ive had a boy who is 6 now and his ultrasound looked the same i had a daughter i knew it was a girl because you see 3 lines between the legs, when its a girl it looks like a ham burger!!! With a boy you will see his penis pointing out or just his balls between his legs i'm 25 weeks now and carrying a boy 
I have two boys and had multiple ultrasounds with both of them. I can say that the ultrasounds of their boy "parts" looked exactly like that. I can definitely tell that you are having a boy! Congratulations!!
im not looking at the pic as only a professional can truly tell. but if you've been told a boy theres 95% chance-100% chance of it being accurate as with boys there is someting to see, where as girls are harder and can be mistaken n turn out boy.