Does foam work as a birth control method?

Can someone tell me if foam can be relied upon as a method of birth control?


  • it is pretty reliable. Condoms are better as far as the counter birth control though. It really depends on how a unplanned pregnancy would effect you. If you married or living together an it would be inconvenient but not horrible if pregnancy happened then I think foam might work well enough. But if pregnancy would really change your life in many negative ways then go for another options.

    I have used foam before in my marriage. It has worked fine for us. Although I would recommend anyone using it to try to chart their cycle and avoid using it on your most fertile days.

  • No it is not a reliable birth control method, your best bet is to use a condom.

  • Used alone it's very ineffective. (Around 25% failure rate -- comparable to withdrawal or calendar rhythm.)

    But it's good as an additional method used with a condom.

  • It should be used with a condom. If you use the two together then it is pretty reliable.

  • ...No i dont think so...

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