Do braces hurt???????

I have to get them on in February, do they hurt?


  • Do they hurt like getting punched or cutting yourself, no. The best way I can describe it is that it is similar to a very sore muscle. They won't hurt the day you get them. When you walk of the orthodontist's office, they will feel weird, but not hurt. When you wake up the next morning, you will have an ache in your mouth. It sucks, but will go away after a few days. Tylenol or something like it helps a lot. After that, you will only have to deal with the aches when you go in for adjustments.

    Actually, the worst part is that braces are just sort of a pain in the butt. Worth it in the end though.

  • None of my patients ever complained about their braces hurting like a lot of people on this forum so I am a little puzzeld. In the beginning braces will rub against the insides of your cheeks and this will cause soreness but that will last only a week and possibly two at the most. Your body will automatically take of this on its own.

    Also a certain amount of force needs to build up before teeth can start moving orthodontically. As this force builds up your teeth can become tender. When mechanics are done to move teeth using elastics (rubber bands) or power chains, sometimes the teeth involved may be a bit tender but usually not. The most common sensation there is a little pressure but no pain.

    There's a big difference (at least to me) between tenderness and pain.

    The more forces placed on teeth the more tenderness there will be. Too much force can cause pain but most orthodontic technique use light forces to move teeth. Using too much force and moving teeth too fast will cause the roots of teeth to shorten (called resorption) and that is not a good thing.

  • Everyone has a different experience with braces, but from my experience, they do not hurt... You may feel a bit of discomfort at first, just because you aren't used to having metal in your mouth, but once you get used to them on (usually takes a week or two)y you really usually forget that you even embraces on! They can be a nuisance you get food caught in them, but other then that, you will be fine!:) Don't worry.. its a normal part of life, a lot of people have had to have braces!

    I hope this helps:)


  • I wore braces for 3 years and found them to be uncomfortable, but not painful. The discomfort generally came after a visit to the orthodontist and resulted from him "tightening" the braces. This discomfort general subsided after 1-2 days.

  • at first they hurt--like the process of getting spacers and then getting the braces tightened the first few times hurts. i didn't have much pain after the first few times i got the braces tightened, but my little sister did. everyone's different, it depends on how bad your teeth are now and how long you will have your braces for. if you need a lot of work done in a short amount of time, it'll hurt because your teeth need to move around quickly. jell-o, pudding and ice cream help. good luck!!

  • I've had braces for two years. I've enjoyed having mine. There is some pain when you first get them on, but trust me, it's nothing unbearable. :)

    Here's a website I created about braces, I hope it's helpful to you.

    Good luck!! :D

  • okay so i got them on about 6.5 hours ago. Not so much in the begining, but now YESS but it only hurts minamally when u take something for the pain like Tylenol. =/ but i look like a geek haha.

    but im starting to get used to myself. oh well. its okay, like 3 outta 4 people got hough this. (:

  • Nope. spacers hurt though

  • to say it in one word: YES

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