I backed up into a parked car?
Yesterday when I was at the mall I was backing up and this lunatic driver zoomed right behind me so he could get the open parking next to me. He got out of the car and started yelling at me an cursing at me, mind you I'm a small 23 yr old girl and this guy was big. So I started to back up to leave because I was scared I didn't notice the parked car behind me was sticking out so much and I hit him. Luckily this older couple came to offer me some help and said they saw the whole thing and said that the other guy was recklessly driving and could've caused the problem too. The couple told me to leave my info and I did, but I was so shaken up that I put my old home phone number down and didn't realize it till I got home. The couple backed my truck out for me then I was on my way. I called the mall where it happened and told them I accidentally gave the parked car my wrong number and if I could look at the cameras to get his plate to contact him and they told me that no one reported anything last night and they don't go back to look at cameras. HELP! I don't know what to do
You can call the local police department's enquiry line and see if they've recorded any crash claims either today or yesterday (when the accident took place).
You can try giving them the registration plate or the owner's full name incl surname and see if they find any matches, if not then it's likely the driver of the other vehicle isn't going to do anything about it and will just take his vehicle to a local garage to get it repaired.