jobs queensland, australia, 13 year olds?
im 13 years and 2months; is there any jobs in the brisbane area for me?
my friend who is 12 years and 10 months and she works at hippo house so i know there are some jobs out there for people my age
is there any like david jones or jewellery or supre or something at a shop? whats the ages for jobs close to my age that arn't babysitting ect
Update:my family doesnt have a lot of money so when i go shopping with my friendss and they are buying loads of things cause their parents are like rich i just have to window shop; theres only so long you can wear the same clothes each daay
i suggest u go to ur local employment agency like neato etc... im from queensland too but that would be ur best bet and ask them im sure theyll have infomation and have a fair idea about what jobs for what age groups
good luck and its exellent to see someone of ur age very keen for a job i wish u all the best
You need to wait until you are almost 15. The major places will not hire you until you are 14 and 9 months. The only places which dont have age restrictions are the mum and dad stores but you need to be aware of this. The "cost" to the owner is the same whether you are 13 or 15 and 11 months. They have to pay you the same. There is a HUGE difference in maturity between a 13 and almost 16 year old and no business owner is going to hire a 13 yr old if a 15 yr old is also available. That is business. It make no sense to hire you - too much trouble.
What do you need a job for your young enjoy it trust me you will have more time than you can stand for a job when you have to