Is huckabee a serious contender?

He's made some serious gains in Iowa. Does he really have a chance?


  • He should be the conservative's #1 choice but they don't see him as being able to win the general election.

    I think the worst thing that could have happened to the religious movement was to have George W Bush represent them. Because of him the country has decided to turn it's back on anything or anyone that runs a "faith-based" campaign.

  • Iowa is one state. He may do well but most of the nation wouldn't vote for an evangelistic Baptist Preacher. If he wins it is not likely to be by 50% or anywhere near that in Republican primaries or caucuses let alone nationally.

  • I support huckabee so I hope he is. I think he is the best option for our country.

  • I seem to remember people asking the same thing about Dubya...

  • No he will be outspent and he is too much of a religious fanatic. But so is the rest of the lousy Republican crew.

  • What,s a Huckabee?????

  • As a potential president, he is "seriously" mediocre.

  • I don't know but, I am starting to look into him.

  • I think he,ll be some ones V.P.

  • he might since the conservative base is pretty angry that guiliani is in the lead.

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