Does david cameron pay tax?

does david cameron pay tax or any other bills like food or for a maid (if he has one)? And if he does how much does he pay??

Thanks for any help


  • The 'absolute' minimum.!!

    He and his wife (she being a family millionaire) would be 'tax avoiders' as they were in the past.!! Whilst his 'PM wages' will be open to public scrutiny - his 'private finances' (DC being another millionaire) will be in some 'off-shore account' like the rest of these rich people have.

    He daily PM living expenses are 'all funded' by the taxpayers....his wages are left intact as ermmm....savings. Its called the 'perks' of the PM job.

  • Nah! Cameron puts his money in some foreign bank and sponges off his mother or/father and his posh rich mates if he really has to. he,s not done anything about the banks avoiding taxes has he? unless they are caught at it.!!

  • Seeing as some criminals, sorry, I mean politicians put 'Pot Noodles' on their expense claims, then I'd say he probably pays for sod all... maybe he buys his own ties?... So he can look an even bigger prick than his bum-buddy Nick Clegg.

  • Of course he does, income tax, NI and VAT at the same rate as everyone else.

  • probably not, i expect he has a whole bunch of accounts that ensure his tax exposure is limited to the minimum.

  • Oh gosh no, he's far too posh for that sort of thing.

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