Easy Algebra Word Problem!?

The Total yearly health bill of all the people in Stanton Rd is $480,000.

180 Adults and 240 Children live on Stanton Road,.

The health costs for an adult are $1500 per year more than a child.

Calculate the yearly health cost for a child.

2) Karen is 4 years younger than her brother Roger. If their ages are multiplied together and 22 is added you can get 9 times Roger's age. Write an Equation and solve it to work out each person's age.

I admit this was from school, but it is not homework. Plus i have no idea how to work this out, i have a test soon, so plz help out.


  • i'll do one q for you.


    total bill = $ 480, 000

    if the health costs for a child = $ x

    health costs for an adult = x + 1500

    for 180 Adults and 240 Children, it amounts to = 180 * (x+1500) + 240 x

    but it is = $ 480000

    so that

    180 x + 270000 + 240 x = 480000

    420 x = 480000 - 270000

    = 210000

    so x = 210000 / 420

    = 500


    yearly health cost for a child = $ 500

  • Question 1 has already been solved. The solution for Q 2 is below:

    Let the age of Karen is x

    so the age of Roger is (x+4)

    Multiplying their ages and adding 22 will be equal to 9 times the Roger's age

    So x(x+4)+22=9(x+4)

    or x²+4x+22=9x+36

    or x²+4x-9x+22-36=0

    or x²-5x-14=0

    or x²-7x+2x-14=0

    or x(x-7)+2(x-7)=0

    or (x+2)(x-7)=0

    Either x=-2 or x=7

    Since age cannot be in negative so Karen's age is 7 years and the age of Roger is 11 years

  • let the yearly health cost for a child be x

    for an adult it will be x+1500

    480000 = 180(x+1500) + 240x

    480000 = 180x + 270000 + 240x

    480000 - 270000 = 420x

    210000 = 420x

    x = 500

    let roger's age be x

    karen's age will be x-4

    x(x-4) + 22 = 9x

    x^2 - 4x + 22 =9x

    x^2 - 4x - 9x + 22 = 0

    x^2 - 13x + 22 = 0

    x^2 - 2x - 11x + 22 = 0

    x(x-2) - 11(x-2) = 0


    x - 11 = 0 or x-2 = 0

    x = 11 or 2 ----> roger's possible ages

    karen is x-4 = 11-4 = 7

    or 2-4 = -2 (this is not possible) so roger is 11 and karen is 7

  • 1) total cost, T=cost of an adult, A * 180 + cost of a child, C * 240

    A=1500 + C

    T=(1500+C)*180 +C*240

    480000=(1500+C)*180 +C*240




    dividing both sides by 420 gives


    cost of total number of children=500*240


    you can prove this by finding the total cost for adult,



    2)Let Karen's age be K

    let Roger's age be R



    substitute (1) into (2)








    R=2 or R=11

    but R can't be 2 since Roger is 4 years older than Karen

    So now let's substitute R=11 into (1)




    Answer: Karen's age is 7 and Roger's age is 11

    you can prove this by substituting these val into (2)


    LHS: 7*11+22=77+22=99

    RHS: 9*11=99


  • K = R - 4

    K*R + 22 = 9*R

  • 1) 480,000 = 180(1500+C)+240C = 270,000 + 420C

    420C = 210,000

    C = $500 per year

  • that's going to in no way drain in case you fill and drain it on a similar time (it fills swifter than you may drain it), yet once you start up up it on empty and fill and drain it on a similar time, the pool would be finished in 15 hours.

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