Exercises for a six pack?

So I'm going for a six pack for the summer. I do core and cardio every other day, and so far I'm seeing most of the definition in my upper abs. Are there any exercises I should add? I usually do each exercise for 45 seconds - 1 minute. Here are my exercises:





Leg Raises (Reverse Crunch)

Jack Knifes

Side Crunches


Side Planks


  • planks and 6inches thats all i did to get mine

  • That's a lot of exercises. I suggest you take a look at what you are eating and how much of it you are eating. Abs are about cutting the fat around the navel area and lower abs. It's about nutrition at this point.

    Here's a link that should help you get rid of the stubborn fat:


  • You are on your way. Just increase the reps as you see fit. Cut the routine in half and increase the reps. Do half of the routine one day and the rest the next

  • Definitely do the plank! That ones awesome for abs! As long as you do those exercises and keep a healthy diet your good to go! Good luck on your abs ;) will you answer my question please? Thanks <3

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