train as a nail technician?

i'm looking to become a nail technician but none of the colleges near me offer it. im thinkin of a home study course from essential nails. but im wondering if its possible to train thru just a salon, how long it takes and if there is a qualification at the end of it?


  • Are you in the U.S.? If so, then the requirements for a nail license differ from state to state. I would check various cosmetology schools to see if they have a nail program available as not all colleges offer this. As far as home study goes, you need a minimum number of hours of training in order to get your license. Again, this varies. I do not know of any state that allows home study as part of those hours, but I could be wrong. Best thing is to check with your home state's department of cosmetology, or a similar department which governs the issuing of nail licenses.

  • Is there anywhere you can do to do an apprenticeship?

    That way you will be working 4 days and training for one. Alot better if you want to kick start a career.

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