Is Obama consistently inconsistent?

I heard Obama in a news conference yesterday live on CNN say, "I intend to have combat troops out at 1 to 2 brigades a month. That's 16 months." HUH?

A few days ago he said troop removal would be careful and measured.


  • Senator Obama panders to whatever crowd he is speaking to. He is very consistent: he will say anything to anyone to get them to vote for him. Just another hungry politician.

  • I will vote for him, because he is the first public figure that has inspired me. I'm a young male, and I will be voting for the first time this November. Sarah Palin has no military experience, so if that was such a crucial requisite for being president, then McCain wouldn't have picked her as a running mate out of security concerns. I do not agree that one has to have military experience to be president, but I do agree that one has to have calm and rational judgement. Besides, the major architects of the Iraq war had ZERO military or combat experience. 2- I would argue that Obama and Biden know the value of human life more so than our current president who has presided over the slaughter of tens of thousands, if not a hundred thousand people. Joe Biden has experienced tragic personal loss, and surely values human life more so than the average person. 3. He has been forthcoming on his associations, and the fact that the Republicans have been hammering on the Ayers and ACORN issue , is because Obama is squeaky clean. Seriously guys, there's nothing you can do about it! He's a decent, family man, in McCains own words. Political robot is also really lazy way to describe a man who has inspired so many people in our country and around the world. Not to mention that he overcame all odds, and is now on the verge of becoming the first black president in our history. If you can't see the enormity of that, you are blind.

  • That is a problem somone is going to have to deal with...if it is consistant or not ...this twelve billion per month going into a country which is oil rich as Iraq...and we don't stand to see anything from them other than our soldiers being killed every

    day and our economy is beginning to go to rust has to stop....most of us are buying gasoline at an artificially inflated price and allowing our farmcrops go for fuel burning purposes while we scimp around looking for food to go on the table....We have to try something, even being wrong and starting over is better than doing nothing, at least we will know one more way that won't work and not to try again!

  • Obama just a pandering lying farce and thats about all their really is to the man. An empty thermos bottle in a 3 peice suit. I feel sorry for those that believe in him your being taken one one long ride in a fools carraige.

  • Obama is not going to do crap and if he did he also say he would reploy them to other countrys to fight Al Quada huh SO THE WAR GO ON and I thought we was fighting Al Quada in Iraq ---and if we do pullout we will just have to go back in when Iraq get over run by Terrorist. wake your butt up .

    .Obama's flip-flop, on the other hand, is purely about self-interest. He promised to accept public financing before he knew he could raise more money from donors. Now that he can raise twice as much from donors as Uncle Sam would give him if he forswore private donations, of course he's pursuing the bigger bucks. What's more troubling is Obama's list of flip-flops is so limitless, he's beginning to sound like he tailors his position to whichever audience he's addressing at the moment. When he spoke to an AIPAC meeting a couple of weeks back, he said he supports Israeli control of Jerusalem. The next day, trying to placate angry Arab supporters, Obama said "negotiators" should work out the contentious Jerusalem issue.

    Obama repeatedly vowed to meet with various heads of terror states—most notably Ahmadinejad of Iran—"without preconditions." Then, with the nomination in sight, he zigzagged: "There's no reason why we would necessarily meet with Ahmadinejad. He's not the most powerful person in Iran."

    • In October, he supported NAFTA expansion. In March, campaigning in the Ohio primary, he called for a "reopening" of the trade pact's terms. This week, he called his own primary rhetoric "overheated" and said NAFTA has had a positive effect on the US economy.

    • Yesterday, after signaling opposition to nuclear power, he told Democratic governors he's open to expanding it."

    Know matter who get in the only thing that is guarenteed in life is change. But Obama change would be worst.

  • He has changed his message to whatever people he is talking too. There is not one issue he hasn't changed. For instance his health care plan started with just poor children, but has since ballooned to insuring 47 million including 10 million illegal aliens which Obama said he wouldn't insure.

    He said there was no black America and no white American, just the United States of America. Then he turns around and sells bumper stickeres like these.

    He swapped his position NAFTA the same day. First he told union workers he would renegotiate with Canada then told the Canadaian government he wasn't going to.

  • I am asking the questioner to be fare .Please take a look at both sides of the political spectrum . Both sides are guilty as charged. I support the values of the Democratic party and I very much like what Obama has to say and what he supports .But both sides change on how they would act on issues I have noticed -and I could pull up all the issues that McCain has flip flopped on -especially involving the veterans. So this debate could go on and on I think .


  • Sounds like the same thing to me. What he said was that he would check with the joint chiefs on the safest way to withdraw.

    But since you brought it up McCain changes his positions daily. One only need to compare his voting record with what he says they would see that he is either confused, stupid or the biggest liar ever. He has changed his stance in the same interviews. He has even voted against bills that he cosponsored.

  • Obama already said that he will be visiting Iraq and THEN decide if he can really pull the troops out in 16 months... so he's basically setting up to go against his 16 month statement. Obama came on the scene promising the impossible and is slowly unraveling each lie one by one...

  • No, McCain is consistently inconsistent. He is the biggest flip-flopper and if you can't see that, then you should not be allowed to be next to a voting ballot. Don't be one of the people to screw up this country like you help do in 2004.

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