Do pediatricians give shots?

So, I love helping children and i love children. I was thinking of becoming a pediatrician, but I have a phobia of needles. Do pediatricians give the shots or is that mainly the nurses duty? I'd probably be working in New Jersey.


  • I know that pediatricians CAN give shots; it is usually a nursing duty, however. Remember too that when you're giving the shot, it's not as bad. I have a fear of needles as well and I've given plenty of shots through nursing school. Although, also keep in mind that in order to go through medical school, you have to get certain titers and blood tests done, so you'll be on the pokey end before you're on the plunger end. If it's something that you really want to do, you're phobia will simply motivate you to be super careful when giving shots yourself. It'll help you become a better doctor.

    I wish you all the luck with your decision & through medical school!

  • In order to become a doctor you must give shots, at least during training periods. Don't worry. You will get over your fear after giving a few injections.

  • The nurse always gave to shots to my son. The doctor said that he didn't want the babies/kids to him associated with pain.

    Nice huh :)

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