How is UC Riverside as a school?

Im a junior in high school, and now that this year is coming to a close and i will start applying to colleges next year, ive been seeking advise on potential universities i might want to apply to. Well, i know ucr has a medical biology program which i really think i want to do because i want to go to veterinary school in the future. How are academics at ucr? How is the school climate, i mean social life, etc. ive heard things about how ghetto the surroundings are, i think ill survive, but how is the school just overall. I know alot of people bash and discredit ucr and claim it isnt as great as other UC's and although this may be true, how is it exactly. I take it those who bash it never attended and therefore dont know other than things that they heard or think theyre obliged to say. Any advicd is much appreciated and if anyone can give me further insight into their medical biology major, thatd be extremely awsome! Thanks everyone!


  • If you're looking into med bio for veterinary sciences, go to UC Davis, they have probably the top program in all of the UCs.

    UC Riverside is one of the easiest UCs to get into, with only around a 3.4 or 3.5 GPA required. It is in a pretty gross city (Riverside), and yes, I would say parts of it are ghetto. The athletics aspect of UCR is almost non-existant. There's no football team, and all other teams hardly ever even qualify for conference or national championships. The school itself has a relatively small student body (only 20,000 students) compared to other UCs or CSUs with 30,000 students. The social life is also almost nonexistent because UCR is also a heavy commuter UC (over 50% of the students do).

    You really should go tour the school yourself and see how you like it, though. Don't just base your decision off other people's opinions.

  • UCR is a very good STEM school, and has the cheapest cost of living of any of the Socal UC's. I attended one year and my rent for an off campus duplex was multiple times cheaper than what it would have been if I attended Irvine, UCLA, and Berkeley would have been crazy expensive. Everything else was cheaper, as well, food, parking, tuition. I had to move to Oregon, but I enjoyed my time at UCR. Don't get caught up with the prestige thing, you pay a whole lot for the perception of singularity. For the money, UCR is probably the best of the UCs.....

  • Educationally speaking the school does not relatively remember. on an identical time as you will specific in corporation you may exceedingly lots pass everywhere very very almost all corporation classes are an identical. The question for you're able to be extra desirable with connection with the school atmosphere, section, and such. look at what you like in a school, no count in case you like a social accumulating college or a miles better laid shrink returned place, or in case you like a school with a great sort of diverse stuff happening i.e. activities, gala's, a great sort of out of type activities. you're able to additionally evaluate how a techniques from residing homestead you opt for to be. you quite would desire to look at campus life your self, do now not concern too lots with connection with the academia.

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