novicane effectiveness?

the last two fillings i had recently (at separate times) the anestetic didn't work well. it took three needles to work the second time. why is that? a couple of my friends had the same thing happen to them?


  • Human anatomy varies from person to person. The local anaesthetic i.e. novocaine is supposed to act on the nerves. In some individuals the nerve is located slightly ofcourse than the normal expected position. Since the dentist cannot see the nerves, he follows a standard landmark and injects the drug. At times when the nerve is ofcourse then drug does not reach in sufficient quantity/ maynot reach at all, hence its effectiveness is reduced.

    P.S - novocaine is not a costly drug, that the dentist will be saving a lot of $ by injecting less!

  • the dentist was being cheap with the amount of Novocaine he injected. remember, it's a business like any other and he is trying to conserve the costs of medication

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