Do you have good Self-Esteem?

Would you class yourself as beautiful?

I'm just curious of what people think of themselves What would you rate yourself out of 10?


@Sand man Ahahahaha


  • I have high self esteem and would rate myself as 6/7 out of 10 looks wise

  • no T T


  • I have okay self esteem, but I'm definitely not "beautiful" or handsome or anything like that. It is possible to be ugly and to still like yourself as a person, you know. It's not "low self esteem" to acknowledge the fact that I'm not very attractive, it's called facing reality. Looks-wise, I'm about a 4.5 on a scale of 1-10. But I rank much higher in other departments, so that's okay.

  • Preferably self confident but say 5, I'm not really "beautiful" as many others are :)

  • lol my avatar pic is me huh am i ugly?

  • Yeah I'm sexy and I know it;)

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