Girls name --Taelar Allysen OR Kylee Adesyn"?

If you don't like either that's fine. Could you then SUGGEST a name combo that has either TA initials or KA initials? Thank you


If you aren't going to help at all. Than don't answer...if you took the time to read what I said in the paragraph you would realize that I AM OPEN TO ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTIONS. okay. thanks for paying attention.


  • Maybe you'll like -- Tallulah Adeline or Karen Ava

    Good luck

  • Not a huge fan of either. Btw, did you know that Taylor Swift's middle name is Alison?

    Tamsin Adeline

    Tegan Amara

    Therese Amalia

    Thalia Aimee

    Tasha Amabel

    Kylie Adele / Allison

    Katerina Autumn

    Karen Adelia

    Karena Alice

    Kaia Annabel

    Keira Aveline

    Other A names: Acacia, Alena, Alma, Anika, April (but only if she's born in April), Aster, Ariadne, Audrey, Axelle, Ayla (eye la)

    Admittedly, some of these don't flow terribly well. I would avoid something that ends in A for the first names, but there really aren't that many T names for girls...and in general most girls names end in A. Hope you find something you like.

  • This is why you should graduate before having children. Alternate, trashy spellings like this make you look illiterate and embarrass your child.

    Taylor is a boys name so that's no go.

    Try Tallulah Allyson, Trista Allyson or Talia Allyson

    Kylee is misspelled and will age terribly. Adesyn is a misspelled version of the boys name Addison which means SON of Adam.

    Try Kayla Adeline, Kaia(KYE-uh) Adeline or Kiera Adeline

  • Love the names, but not how they're spelled. Why don't you just choose between Taylor Allyson/Allison or Kylee Addison/Addisyn? To me, those spellings look better. Honestly, how far would a grown woman get with the name Taylor spelled like that? Just something to think about.

  • Haha Is The First Name Supposed To Be Taylor? If So Kylee.. Btw I Think Taylor Looks Better :P

  • not really sure bout either name but if i had to pick, i would pick kylee Adesyn, but i dont like the way you spell adesyn how bout Addisyn? here a few other names





  • I prefer Kylee Adesyn

    I'd prefer the first name Kylee and middle name Allysen... or maybe Tiffany Alice or Katelyn Ariana

  • Kylee Adesyn is a beautiful name I love it !!! i also like Taelar allysen but Kaylee is my favoriate

  • I like Taylor Allison and Kylie Addison. There is absolutey zero need to mess your child up for her entire life because you desperately feel the need to be unique. Seriously. Taelar? It looks awful that way. Taylor is a lovely name. Leave it that way.

  • Tamsin Alison or Keziah Adele

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