Do you consider yourself a Moderate?

If so, what makes you a moderate? I cannot agree totally with the party platform from either side, so I have to go with what I feel like is best for me and my family and disregard the wedge issues that are not going to change without new laws.


  • Yes moderates are needed to get work accomplished by pragmatism and keep the dumb-heads from wrecking everything and doing nothing.

  • I consider Myself a Free Thinker someone who isn't part of any Radical Group, I mean I hate the TEA Party because I'm a Afraid people are becoming something they are not Extremists that's something I refuse to be Rather be a Moderate then an Extremist.

  • Yes. My perfect party platform is one that embraces equal rights for all as well as fiscal and economic conservatism. Basically, either a Republican minus religious & social issues or Democrats plus responsible spending (both are about as likely as finding an elf riding a unicorn).

  • Yes, I do not agree with much that the Democrats are doing but I am dead set against the Republicans regaining even a modicum of power. The Republicans have proved over and over again that they DO NOT REPRESENT AMERICANS!

  • Yes, I do. I consider myself a moderate socialist, even though some of my radicalized conservative countrymen believe "moderate socialist" to be an oxymoron.

  • I firmly believe in Moderation in all things, including Moderation.

  • What is a moderate anyways?

  • yes

    there are qualities from both sides that I admire

  • a moderate what? muslim who believes in sharia law? I am a radical... i love the radical truth and am radically opposed to lies.

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