Why do conservatives use mostly unsourced FAKE quotes?

"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth."

- Teddy Roosevelt

100% LIE. Theodore Roosevelt was a PROGRESSIVE. He ran as the PROGRESSIVE Party candidate in 1912. He stood for trust busting, regulation of big business, labor rights, and environmentalism.



"As mankind become more liberal they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protection of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations in examples of justice and liberality. "

Letter from George Washington to the Roman Catholics in the United States

George Washington

March 15, 1790






I'm using the George Washington quote as an example of a SOURCED quote with a date and information about the whole letter and speech in which quote was stated or said. I also provided a Library Of Congress link where you can see the ORIGINAL document.


  • Teddy was such a bad*ss. He did a speech after being shot.

  • The reality is that many a progressive from the early 1900s would be conservative today. Teddy Roosevelt, to a great extent, falls into this catagory. The same can be said of FDR - who supported privatizing Social Security after the nation recovered from the depression. A good example is Pres, Reagan who was a strong supporter of FDR, served a a Union president and was a conservative president. He often said that the Democratic party left him - and there is a lot of truth in that statement. Back then, progressives were not socialists, now they are.

  • Considering that Fact Check said President Elect-Trump (ie the guy conservatives thought was the best man for the White House) got a 'pants on fire' rating in each of the debates and has been shown to LIE quite often, it would seem the question is quite valid. Just examine Trump's Twitter posts for proof of this.

  • Stop complaining that people are complaining, it is in fact their right as a buyer of a service. It is the right of every citizen of the U.S. to have free speech (atleast from the nation, every person from the state ... yay faultily worded amendments), so feel free to disregard this, but realize that what you call a FREE service is in no way shape or form free for anybody, even the user that takes a laptop to an Internet cafe and uses their free internet has wear and tear on their computer due to use which will eventually result in the need for a new computer, hence an expense as a direct result of use to play LOL.

  • That's fine, Jimmy, except the term "liberal" that George Washington used was in the "classic liberal" sense as understood in international relations theory. This term "liberal" as espoused by George Washington then meant more liberty vice the norm at the time which was absolute rule by a king, including a state-established religion, and taxation without representation in British Parliament. In that sense then, George W. Bush was a classic liberal. Liberal, in the connotation we know today, refers to liberal socialists who advocate for ever more government intervention, and increasing government control of our lives, sliding us more and more towards Fascism. A good recent example was the National Socialist Party of Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

    BTW, Atheistic Socialist and Communist regimes have been responsible for more deaths in the last 120 years than any other entity.

    For example:

    National Socialists (i.e. Hitler) ~14 million deaths

    Communist Party (i.e. Stalin) ~20-30 million deaths

    Pol Pot Communist regime in Cambodia ~3-5 million deaths

    Chinese Communists (i.e. Mao Tse Tung) ~50-70 million deaths

    North Korea Communists ( i.e. the Kim regimes) -millions dead

  • When Washington spoke of mankind becoming more liberal, "liberal" didn t have the meaning it does today. In Washington s time, liberal was understood to mean the opposite of what it does today. Presumably quotes like this are the reason why Progressives co-opted the term to lend legitimacy to a movement that can only succeed if it convinces voters to voluntarily surrender their liberty.

  • Because, it has to appear as a fact from somebody (like a celebrity) for LIBERALS to believe it, even though its content is valid and accurate.

    Conservatives, on the other hand, are able to decipher fiction from fact; something Liberals are poor at doing.

  • There s no proof that the quote is not his. And your claim that Roosevelt was a progressive is false. Besides, that s not de facto evidence that the quote was not uttered by him. And your sweeping generalizations are disgusting, like most liberals.

  • They do that a lot, if they have a source at all, I've seen at least three things in the past hour with no verfiable source at all, maybe they think repeating someone who is repeating it from a blog is the same thing as a reliable source. Not every site is a source and not every opinion is based on truth or fact, and please don't use youtube.

  • so you use a quote from George Washington to prove Teddy Roosevelt didn't say something..who's the liar exactly?!

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