umm gibberish emails?

ive been getting emails that are just pure gibberish some written in english but the words are out of order and make no sense. some are worse-like this

( ²‰ž¶§�Ê'¶º%~)^uÊ.¦W­Šm�ù]z¸ ktwgatzmxivnvjetz dropped among double youzhny offense unit continue free 036e7dca1f1f0611

anybody know what these emails mean? i mean are they code or somen or just some company advertising?


  • Those usually contain viruses that attack your computer if you open the message. They are also sent out by spambots to find valid email addresses. They use gibberish to avoid spam filters - and once you open the message you send a receipt back to the sender that your account is active, and they'll sell your details to other spammers. That's why you never open emails from anyone you don't know. I would run a virus scan ASAP then be careful as your email is about to be innundated with spam within a few weeks

  • These come from Vampire Central in central Europe.

    To get rid of them, eat lots of garlic and sleep with a silver dagger in your boot.

    Alternatively implement the spam filters at your ISP. If you use Outlook or some other email programs, check out your junk mail settings.

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