Do colleges take into account...?

If you are someone who takes Honors and AP classes, do colleges care/understand that your UNweighted GPA might be lower than someone who takes all Comprehensive(Normal) classes? For example, isn't getting a B in an AP English class better than getting an A in an Comprehensive(Normal) English class? Even if it brings down your GPA slightly? Just wondering!


  • Yes, getting a B in an AP class looks better to them than an A in a honors/regular course but some AP's are easy enough to get an A in. For example: AP Psychology. Remember, academics aren't the only thing that matter to them. They want to see you did extracurriculars such as clubs and sports. Also, make sure to do your community service hours over the summer.

  • Of course they understand. Don't worry about it. With all your AP and Honors classes I'm pretty you're doing great!:-)

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