Democracy vs Republic?

In the US we have a Republic. We elect people to represent us and make laws. I get that. What would a true democracy look like. Would each individual directly vote on laws? Would it be Mob rule as to laws and leaders. What are examples of a true democracy?


  • Actually, what we have in the United States is a Democratic Republic. I believe that the only true democracy experienced thus far was in Athens, centuries ago. There, anybody may have been elected to the highest office. One person, one vote.

    The reason we have our current system is so that extremely large and populous states cannot completely outweigh the interests of smaller states. Passing laws that might be good for a large financially based state might not be good for a small or less-populous agrarian state. With the current system each gets to be heard.

  • Actually, either of the statements could apply to both Republic or Democracy. The funny thing is there is no Nation that actually has a true Democracy since it is mob rule. A Republic is founded on core beliefs and laws that protect the people. I also agree that I don't think this is someone's status since I know philosophy majors who don't post things like this.

  • I've always heard that the best example of direct democracy in America is in the town hall system of some of the New England states. In the town hall system, citizens in the town come to the main hall and vote directly on ordinances, setting budgets, etc.

  • The best example of a true democracy would be taking a bus trip from New York to Los Angeles that would only stop for food, gas, or rest rooms if everyone agreed on where to stop and when.

  • I think mob rule would be better than minority rule. If we keep electing Democrats the minority voice will keep getting louder and louder. Or would you rather keep paying for the college education of illegal immigrants

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