depo provera, pregnant?

Me and my bf had sex since i've been on the shot in late december throughout late january. Since i've been on the depo shot i usually get my period every two months (i've been on it for about a year). But every since those few weeks we werer having sex, my period is a month late. Could it be possible that im pregnant I've even had pregnancy symptoms. Have this ever happened to any of you? Or have any of you or anyone you know ever got pregnant while still on depo provera ?


  • I've heard of ppl getting preggo on the depo but its extremely rare, especially if you're getting the shot regularly exactly when you're supposed to get it. A lot of ppl experience symptoms close to their periods that mimic pregnancy symptoms. Swollen, tender breasts, nausea, feeling bloated. Unfortunately since you don't get periods regularly its hard to guage exactly when you should expect to experience those symptoms which can make it frustrating. I highly doubt that you're preggo but it never hurts to check. You can buy pregnancy tests in bulk at reasonable prices on Ebay.

  • omg yes! i have a friend who's baby will be 1 next month. she was on the depo shot for 3 years straight and she still got pregnant. where i'm at they always do a pregnancy test everytime they are about to give you the shot no matter how long you have been on it. so yes, it is possible to still get pregnant while on the shot.

  • Well in my own experience on Depo I was on it for three years, I stopped getting periods shortly after starting it. So, it could be that you just are loosing your periods. Of course there is always that small chance of Birth control not working but I found it very reliable. I would test just to ease your mind.

  • on depo your periods are nevery go to be regular. mine usually happen right around when I have a shot, but sometimes not. i would first just take a pregnancy test. my doctor usually makes me everytime I go in to have next shot.

    either get a home test, or call your doctor. with depo, nothing is ever very normal.

  • Its possible, but the longer you are on Depo, the more likely you are to have little to no period. This is also so with the birth control pill


  • its possible butt its also raree.

    dont get too excited/

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