Is America readay for Shariah Law?

In her latest book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, author Nonie Darwish paints a chilling description of what lies ahead for Western civilizations that continue down the road of political correctness and appeasement as Islamic (Shariah) law creeps its way into free societies across the globe. Darwish, who was born in Cairo, and moved as a child to Gaza with her family, was raised Muslim – her father founding Palestinian fedayeen units which launched terrorist raids across Israel’s southern border. When Nonie was only eight, her father was assassinated by the IDF, after which he was recognized as a shahid, or martyr for Islam. Darwish immigrated to the United States in 1978.

Islamic Law and the ensuing threats to Western civilization are subjects Darwish discusses with a passion and knowledge borne only of one who grew up within it can have. Having left Islam as an adult and having converted to Christianity, she has shared her experiences in Islam with her first book, Now They Call Me Infidel. Now with her second book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, she explains in layman’s terms the meaning of Shariah law and the implications that face those who embrace it.…


  • We're not ready for it, unfortunately we have "creeping Sharia" in this country. Judges are basing some cases on Sharia law, because they deem our Constitution as just a tool, not the rule of our laws.

    Sharia law is being used in the work-place where Muslims are allowed to disrupt service for their prayer times. They're also given many concessions like not being required to handled wrapped and packaged pork products in the check-out line. Someone else is called in to do it. Tyson foods has eliminated Labor Day in favor of Muslim holidays.

    Of course we welcome these disruptions of America, and call it "multiculturalism," and "diversity." Neither of which works. Multiculturalism just means another culture is superior to ours, and, diversity comes from the word, divide.

    With all the rules and needs of Muslims in the American workplace. Can you imagine the hue and cry if Christians asked for the same thing. Curiously, freedom of religion only applies to Muslims.

  • Wow, so much paranoia. The United States is a secular nation, and our courts and communities have done a good job at keeping religious lunacy in check: we dealt with the insane Puritans; we dealt with the crazy Christians who imposed Prohibition; we dealt with the Christian right that is homophobic and anti-woman; we're dealing with the Muslim and other extremists as well. The only people who seem to worry seriously about Sharia law are in places like Oklahoma and Kansas where anti-Sharia legislation was passed. Maybe they have a problem in those states with Muslim extremists, but those of us who live in diverse, integrated communities know as fact that American Muslims overwhelmingly embrace American values. Nonie Darwish sounds like a lunatic or someone who is simply trying to make a buck off the paranoia of people from small towns who have no contact with the real world. Shariah law is even losing power in the Middle East, where we're seeing a slow but steady rise in women's rights and even gay rights.

  • Oh well if Nonie Darwish says so the that seals the deal for me.

  • Yes we are. We have the right to have guns and will use them on anyone trying to impose that ignorant BS here. It's imposed by smelly little fat men in the middle east to control And abuse women.

  • My shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot, along with 100 million of my friends, will help to make sure that never happens.

  • Sharia law is no match against the second amendment.

  • Of course, there's not a snowball's chance in hell of sharia law being adopted here, so I'm not scared.

    Geez, you people just don't get it that some fears aren't worth your attention.

  • You must be of the Glenn Beck School of Morons.

  • Boogeyman, boogeyman, boogeyman BOO!!!

    It's spelled "Sharia".

  • Give me a friggn' break. We already have our religious crazies, we don't have to import them.

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