Who cares...?

About Ted Haggart anyways?! A religious leader molested children. so what. That shouldn't matter. Christians follow Jesus, no one else.


  • It's so nice to hear that someone feels the same way I do. It gets old, doesn't it? People need to focus more on Jesus, not Ted Haggert and the others out there who are like him.

  • Amen! Christians DO and are supposed to be following Christ...not any human man..no matter how important or unimportant the world thinks that person is... It is always such a shame when someone that is a leader of a "flock", fails in such a terrible way...It IS a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of an angry God! Look to Jesus Christ, He will never let you down!

  • if you're a christian, shame on you...if i were there i would so be wagging the index finger. first of all, don't expect society to miss everything christianity does wrong because they never will. additionally, you need to be prepared for it with a better answer than, "who cares.."

    if you arn't a christian...um, i care about haggart.

  • No one has the right to hurt a child! Regardless of your religious affiliation. Now does everyone in here get that this is a problem with society not just one religion? I have to agree with what Parrot said 100%

  • If that's the way you think....then prepare for the imminent erosion of the Christian leadership and Christian values.

    Christian leaders should set an example for their followers and Christian followers should be able to see good Christian role models.

  • When you mean follow Jesus, do you really mean follow what Jesus taught? If so, get out your bible and see what Jesus say about little children.

    If Jesus cared, what should you be doing? Next time you want to follow Jesus, make sure you know Jesus is.

  • I care because it's very disconcerting that these people are preaching morality, and yet they're engaging in the exact same acts that they condemn.

    I care because I think it's a damn shame that so many people were tricked into thinking Haggard was someone that he obviously never was.

  • I think a Christian should care to a certain extent. I mean, I don't know the man, never heard of him until lately...BUT, he's a man, he's a human being and we should care about his SOUL..not only his, but his congregation, all souls in general. Dont' be so hard-hearted, have compassion, and pray for the man 'cause he needs it.

  • Notice how it's all the book-of-god based faiths that these molestors and murderers believe in? I'm sensing a pattern.

  • "A religious leader molested children. so what. That shouldn't matter"?????????????? Are you serious?

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