boy problem? please answer?
ok this boy kept calling me a fag on facebook (like a provate note with 6 paragraphs of how gay and ***** i am) we had a huge fight over it on facebook and he said he was doing it to show how it feels when i call him a fag, and then he took away the fag paragraph,and replaced it with "girl-hey am i hot
boy- totally
girl- whats with your pants
boy- it's over you
girl- eeeewwwwwwwww
boy- it's a good thing
girl- i hate you
boy- scuicide
what does that MEANNN!!!!
it means YOU NEED TO BE MORE CLEAR ON how you ask your questions,
i can't understand your question
so I cant help you.
he sounds like someone you don't want to associate with. so
stop talking to him! and BLOCK him on facebook
First of all, it is not cool to call people a "fag." So, I almost don't feel sorry for you. Secondly, he has some homophobic issues to work out with himself, or he is a closet gay and tries to come off as straight by attacking others (yet you might have the same issue).
The following statements don't make sense and he is probably trying to mock you in some strange way. Just stay away from this guy and stop calling people names. What comes around goes around. You may end up the reason this dude kills himself later in life!
i think it means that this person is just messing with your head. I would delete them or not talk to them. Letting them know that what they are saying is upsetting you is just going to add fuel to their tank. Dont let them! and if this person had any feelings for you then they wouldn't call you a fag just to see how it makes you react. NOT COOL.
He is just trying to push your buttons. If i were you i would block him immediately. He is most likely just messing with you or he doesn't have a life. So he is enjoying messing with you.
He is trying to confuse you or freak you out. he probably likes you and is just insecure
It means that you will soon be able to visit Bellevue and say, "I know someone in there".
Mum he's either gonna commit suicide or he's got some serious problems...
. . . Mental instability?
he might be crazy