do you think i'm pretty? pictures...?

Thx to everyone that answers, i appreciate[ spelled it wrong] all of them!



My hair is naturally the 2nd and 3rd pics my hair had been braided and i took it out the day before.

Update 3:

i'm 13 and a half


  • You are beautiful. Definitely a natural beauty! Keep it that way. Dont ever feeled pressured to wear makeup, it looks like you dont wear any. Either you dont or you are just really good at putting it on to look natural. Well just stray from makeup.

    Happy to boost your confidence,


    P.S. You're gorgeous! Dont forget! Oh and about the short thing. Shorter women are beautiful. You'll grow. Even if you dont grow that much, it doesn't matter. Boys prefer girls that aren't taller than them. And there's always that saying "big things come in small packages"... I was always short, and now I think I'm average height. 5'6" ish. Keep healthy and active, it will help with your growth.

  • Your Beautiful. A Little Bit Of Mascara & You'd Look Stunning.

    Please Will You Answer Mine?;_ylt=AjYgH...


  • Look at the answers to Kayla (and 1)'s same question; you are pretty in terms of looks, but don't forget to develop an equally beautiful personality and inner happiness. That's what lasts over time, and it's what keeps people interested in you. God forbid, your looks can go at any time (accident, etc.), but if you are confident with yourself and happy with your life regardless of circumstances, you'll have a truly happy life that nothing can change. Just enjoy the freedom of being young, have fun with things that make you happy, and don't waste this great time of your life worrying about how you look to other people. People who are really worth having in your life will value you for your *self,* not just the packaging.

  • ok you seem like a sweet girl but I am going to be honest. You look like a 13 year old girl. Young. Maybe cut your hair into an layered shorter style but I think that you are too young to be posting pictures of yourself on the internet and asking if you are pretty.



    3. Be yourself

    4. Don't fret over how you look

    You don't know how sick I am of people caring just about looks and wondering if they're pretty enough and things like that and thinking about how hott people look and how ugly they are and how fat or skinny they are. Looks don't matter! What truly matters is what is INSIDE of you! For instance, if you always pay attention to how you and others look you will never find love. You can't love without liking that person's personality.

    PLEASE get your head out of your butt and don't act shallow and vain like that! Who care's if you're ugly, pretty, gorgeous, fat, skinny, hott, sexy, or whatever? Just be yourself and try to have a good personality.

  • you look very cute in the third picture .

    i suggest that look for an every day thing, but if you wanna go somewhere special try putting your hair in a high ponytail, && wearing some brown or black eyeliner, BUT NOT TOO MUCH, && you'd look gorgeous;; it's the right look for you without going TOO far, you aren't even 14, lol. don't worry so much, you're a doll!!!

  • You're a very pretty girl. I like picture 2.

  • Yes you're very pretty =], and you'll get prettier over time.

    When you get older you'll become even more attractive, and don't worry too much about your height, statistics show that most guys prefer shorter girls!

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