Overall, do guys prefer blondes or brunettes?

My friends and I have debated over this and want to know what you guys think.


  • It depends on what color the girl is.

  • Overall, I would say it will be about even, some will like blondes and some brunettes, let us say 50-50 or perhaps 60-40 or even 75-25 I would prefer to think that the personality matters more than the hair color.

  • My boyfriend loves dark hair (brunette and black). He really hates blonde hair on any one (and he is blonde! lol) There are of course many guys who LOVE blonde hair and would prefer it any day over dark hair.

    In the end, the color of a person's hair doesn't matter. I'm sure you already realize that but just keep it in mind!

  • I like Brunettes and Black haired people. It makes there life pop!

  • A lot of guys I know perfer brunettes

  • Honestly, guys don't care. (I'm a guy). They tend to focus on a woman's body shape (having big breasts is a HUGE plus), but when it comes to things like hair color or eye color, men just really don't give a ****. Basically, anything that makes sex more pleasurable is what a guy wants.

  • I like brunettes.

  • i like brunettes

  • i'm a brunette fan

  • Neither. Redheads are the way to go (but only if they're natural redheads).

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