biblical names?

why is it in the bible everyone has names like Thomas, Mary and Joe but in the midle east today everyone has names like coughing up phlem?


  • I thought you were just joking by calling yourself evil

  • Remember that you are reading a translation to english, in hebrew (aramic) language the names are spelled / pronounced differently:

    * Jesus / Yeshua

    * Joseph / Yosef

    * Mary / Mirriam

    Other reason:

    Data: Biblical times: 1st century Ac and several centuries BC

    Data: Today : 2007

    Conclusion After 21+ centuries many things have changed:

    * names

    * horses & camels vs cars & trucks, & vans, airplanes

    * wood boats with sails vs battleships equiped with nuclear reactors

    * paper manuscripts vs e-mails, cellphones, satellite TV.

    Languages (including names) change over time, have you heard of Old English?

  • Hebrew and Arabic both have several sounds created with the back of the tongue and the soft palate. These "guttural" sounds, resembling clearing the throat or coughing, are not generally part of English speech, but are common in Middle Eastern languages..

    The "softer" English pronunciations do not accurately represent the original sound of the words.

  • You are talking about Greek names that appeared in Greek documents. Most folks over there today don't speak Greek - they speak Arabic, Aramaic or Hebrew. If you want phlem, listen to correctly pronounced Old Testament names.

  • Because the Hebrew names were first translated into Greek and then to English.

    For example, Mary's cousin's name isn't Elizabeth. It's "Elisheva". And Mary is actually "Miriamne".

  • Because most of these names in our English Bible, are TRANSLITERATIONS into anglicized sounds.

    However there are lots of names in our English Bibles which are quite foreign: When's the last time you had to call out to a buddy and say: "Hey! How's it going, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz?"

    Or ask: "So what's the diagnosis Dr. Shesh Batzar?"

  • Not true - many "middle eastern" names in the Old Testament.

  • It could have some bearing on it that the romans compiled the new testament and therefore used their versions of names..!!

  • Apparently you have not looked at the Book of Leviticus

  • the names were americanized when the bible came into america

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