anxiety pee problem? help!?

okay im a 16 year old male and i have a anxiety pee problem, it makes me need to pee all the time because of the stress from having it, but resenttly its gotten worse, and instead of just feeling like i need to pee, a drop of pee comes out, its in my head, not a physical problem because on a good day where my mind is not thinking about it, it goes away. PLEASE HELP!


  • Did a doctor tell you this? Read a headache in the pelvis. It will help you understand your problem and how to deal with this. If you haven't talked to a doctor about this you should. Praying for you.

  • There you go - trying to self-diagnose yourself again.

    Soooooo - - - you are asking people that are not qualfied to make a diagnosis - - - when you need to be seeing a Urologist for a medical evaluation ???

  • I've never heard of this, however, I suggest you do kegel exercises. This strengthens the muscles that retain urine and the same muscle group is responsible for ejaculation.

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