Adult High School Diploma program?
Does anyone know about the Adult High School Diploma program at community colleges? If I only need a few more credits then how long would it take to get them? Is the program hard? When am I able to enroll, do I need to wait for the fall to enroll or can I enroll right now? I really don't want to have to settle for a GED when I only need a few more credits left to get my high school diploma because I worked hard to get all of those credits.
depending on where you live alot of your local colleges have the the national extural diploma program vist this website to find out more and see if theres one in your area.the program does take long it up to you,depending on how much you want it! the program is easey espcially if you have completed at leaset 2 yrs of high school. you are able to enroll at your apponitment. nthees no credits invole just life skills and you need to have a job.