Are you a drama queen?

Is everything always too little or too much for you?


  • No I'm not.Any drama I have I keep it to myself

  • As an opera singer, it's my job. I get to play insane violent women who scream for hours on end and then take 20mins to die. It's not not a fault - it's a living. Yes all right all right I AM a drama queen... but I figure I'm on stage so often it's easier to just be a drama queen all the time, then I don't have to worry about getting into character....

  • No being a drama queen gets you no where, what is the point

  • No I'm daughter is though and one drama queen in the house is enough.

  • Actually, I'm not a drama queen at all. I'm easily satisfied with what life hands me.

  • No I am not but believe me I have been around them and they get on my last nerve...I was married to a guy drama king whatever you wanna call it and it wore me out! No drama, no drama, no drama please!

  • All I know is when I change a light bulb all I have to do is hold it because the whole world revolves around me!!!!

  • lol I'm a drama queen in a different sense I ~*ACT*~ ~*THEATRE*~

  • Nope. I don't even like drama. I'm just laid back... :-)

  • Nope...

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