is dizziness a sign of pregnancy?
I was just curious if dizziness is a sign of pregnancy? my period is supposed to start tomorrow and I have been having some cramping and my breast have been on and off sore and some days I get nauseous spells and some the other day it seemed like I had the nose of a hound dog but some of the stuff I smelled, like my fiance's sunscreen and A&D ointment combo (the reasons for that combo: he works in the sun and just got a tattoo not to long ago) made my stomach turn. the nausea and cramps are normal for me before my period as well as the sore breast (normally the are constantly sore until the day I start my period but seem to be off and on right now some days worse than others) but the smelling thing and the dizziness are new to me. Although it seems like the heightened smell is not so bad now. I just thought that I would see what some other thoughts were on this matter. Thank you all in advance.
Definately! I found I was dizzy pretty quick and it is bad if I stand up too fast or when I get out of bed in the morning. It is caused by lower blood pressure. I had my blood pressure taken at the midwife clinic about a month ago and it was 90/48 - so pretty low. Goodluck with everything!
Yes dizziness is an early sign of pregnancy. The reason I know is because before I found out that I was even pregnant certain smells made me sick to my stomach and dizzy. Like the deodorant I had been wearing for years and the smell of my husbands cologne. 7 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. The nausea has gotten better but im still dealing with the dizziness.
dizziness is common in early pregnancy it is caused by the body starting to produce more blood to sustain another life- it is very common for your blood pressure to be lower which would cause dizziness i had a blood pressure yesterday of 104/64 which is incredibly low for me and did cause some dizziness
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too