Pick a Favorite color for my temporary hair dye!?

My mom bought this temporary hair dye from the beauty store in Spiced Cognac for me which one do you like?



  • 1. you can be like massie block if you go to private school in new york and act like a total beetch. 2. you can act like massie block by being rude to anyone who is different, judge everyone based on looks, and always complain about something. 3. you can get a room like massie block if you paint your walls white, get white sheets, and a white canopy bed. on a desk have a computer, and above it have a shelf with every single flavor of some type of lipgloss. 4. you can be combacky like massie block if you have alot of sarcasm or you can think of something mean in an instant, it's extremely easy. trust me. (: 5. Massie Block = a rich, stuck up little girl who thinks she owns the world. she can't wear anything but brand name and never wears the same thing twice.

  • bold gold or spiced cognac, those would be really pretty if you had like natural looking highlights with one on the other. Ya know?

  • Ruby Red is pretty

  • you should go with a really pretty redish brown or even a light brown with light blone highlights those would be so cute!!!~

  • dependes on what coler ur hair is

  • racy wine would be pretty cool =]

  • rubdy red.

  • CHERRY COLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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