
people in school ask if i'm an emo and i'm not sure what to say,i am a emo but if i say that i am will people think i am just a poser?what should i say when they ask?


  • kathleen shud not use gay as an insult to somebody ( somebody cud get offended) *coughmecoughmecoughcough* and just say yes bc they have to accept you for who you are ( this whole emo jive is just a fad based a upon a genre of music) good stuff

  • You: No, I'm not Emo, kay?

    Them: Totally

    You: Come on, lets go shopping at Hot Topic!

    Them: OMG! You are Emo!

    If you say no, they'll find out soon that you just lied to them. So let them call you a poser, don't let it get to your mind!

  • Sounds perceptive


    if you put an L before the M in EMO you get ELMO

    tickle me pink

  • I have this problem a lot 2. say that u do not like labels....and emo can mean different things to different people.....

  • Joke about it. Say, yes i'm so emo I cut myself in a snarky way. One girl at work asked me why I wore black all the time, and I said it has significance behind it. Fuc0ing *****.

  • well, you are the way you are... nobody can change that. If you are an emo kid, then that is you. Tell them yess, if they call you a poser, then that's there problem, don't let it get you down.

    Hope I helped : D

  • Don't worry about what people think.You're an emo.Hold your head up high and forget what the losers think about you.And don't listen to the first answer.Being an emo isn't gay.

    Be who you want to be and be proud of it.

  • So what if your emo! That is your lifestyle and you are free to live it the way you choose to. You don't question if they're preps or jocks. If they are your friends than they should like you for who you are not what you are.

  • CHANGE THE SUBJECT,OR GO SOMEWERE SO THAT THEY WONT ASK U....just dont answer,b4 i said to my best friend that...and now....she is gone...she changed the skool and not even calls me...maybe she's an anti emo ; (

  • Part of being emo is avoiding stereotypes, so if you say "I am Emo" you will sound really poseurish.

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